Sunday, 22 November 2009

What's in a name?

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They started as Welfare Officers.

Then they were Personnel Officers.

Soon they became HR Managers (not Officers any longer, as they had generally been promoted)

At the moment most of them are HR Business Partners.

  • Where next?


  1. Graham,
    When I started out I was Personnel, Training, Health & Safety Officer. Nowadays all these departments are separate.

    It's a shame I was doing three jobs for the price of one!

    Lou (Kent)

  2. Lou:

    Thanks for the comment.

    It sometimes seems to me that most of the activities that were previously described as Personnel, Training, and Health & Safety have been devolved to line managers. What's left behind for HR is in danger of becoming nebulous to define!

  3. Graham,
    Great Blog site by the way. Very strange our paths should cross again.

    With regard to the comment subject, I found your site when looking for case studies but not necessarily HR. I'm currently studying for my NEBOSH Diploma so you will see I followed the Health & Safety path for my career. We are studying human factors and behaviour in some depth and how stress can affect behaviour/attitude towards the workplace and colleagues. I'm finding your blog very helpful and hope that you don't mind my contribution not being from a HR perspective.
    All the best.

    Lou (Kent)

  4. Hi Lou!!

    Glad you find the site useful, and thanks a bunch for the comments that you've added. It's always good to read comments from a non-HR point of view.

    There's obviously been a lot of stress/bullying items in the news which is why the site has focused on those areas recently (must change the subject soon otherwise it will get a bit too depressing!)

    All the best in return

    Feel free to keep the comments coming!


  5. Hi Graham!

    Don't worry, your site is on my daily research list. Much appreciated that I can make a contribution.


  6. Hi Lou!

    As I've not got your contact details, if you drop me a line on I'll see if there's any other info that I have that may be of use to you

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