Monday, 2 November 2009

A bumpy ride ahead for HR recruiters (and candidates!)

Opinion about what the future of the job market might hold for HR professionals seems to be up and down like the proverbial roller-coaster.

Apparently HR recruiters feel worse about job prospects now than they did only a month ago, according to (get ready for another groan) a new poll from the independent campaign Keep Britain Working.

The HR Recruitment Job Prospect Index (which requires either a PhD in statistics or a familiarity with witchcraft to understand it) currently stands at minus 35. This is a 5 point drop against September, when the index figure was minus 30. This is the worst score since last May, when the Job Prospect Index began, where it stood at minus 29.

Basically, this seems to indicate that those involved in the recruitment of HR professionals don’t see a very positive future for either themselves or those they are hoping to place into new roles.

Despite the bleak future, nearly one in four people (24%) still feel positive about their employer in spite of worsening job prospects, demonstrating how successful many employers have been at working flexibly, in partnership with their staff, to respond to the recession.

So, the message is clear: hold on to your job if you’ve got one. Or to your seat on the roller-coaster!

Pessimism deepens over job prospects


  1. Wise words as ever. But don’t forget, there are some people who enjoy the thrill of the ride, fling their arms in the air and relish the unnatural forces that surround them. Perhaps they are the ones who hand in their resignation as they step out into Oblivion.

    The rest of us will hold their bags and wait to see whether they survive the ride before deciding whether to join the queue and get on board. Because, lets face it, always being the one that stays put can feel very boring at times, safe yes, but definitely boring!!!


  2. I'll never forget choosing NOT to go on a ride entitled Montezuma's Revenge in Knotts Berry Farm in the USA. My Dad thought I was a wimp not to climb on board with him.

    His evaluation of the experience was positive, but the look on his face in mid-orbit told a totally different story!
