Monday 28 May 2012

The Not-So-Secret (but rather embarassing) Diary of an HR Blogger


Me, me, me, me, me, me, me.

Is that what blogging is supposed to be about?

Being loaned a couple of rather excellent books on the power of blogging (admittedly from the standpoint of a business rather than an individual) has given the editorial team of HR Case Studies the opportunity to reflect on the content of many of the HR-related blogs that grace the internet with their presence on a daily basis. 

Sadly, many of today’s HR blogs appear to resemble the juvenile musings of the 21st century equivalent of the Secret Diary of Adrian Mole; the blogosphere being treated to daily updates on the writer’s mundane activities or (if you are lucky) their views on recent developments within social media (frequently chastising those organisations which do not entirely and unequivocally embrace its use within the workplace).

For example, the six short paragraphs of one HR blog analysed as part of the in-depth research for this article contained the pronoun “I” 14 times (and that’s ignoring all the occurrences of “me”, “mine”, “my”.) 

To be honest, the contents of many HR-related blogs are, quite frankly, rather embarrassing, especially where they attempt to offer a glimpse into the soul of the writer. 

One of the problems with contemporary blogging is the ease with which anybody and everybody can not only unleash their views on their readers, but also fool themselves into thinking that, just because the number of page hits is high, therefore their daily updates of “What I learned at the employee engagement conference” are actually of any real significance.  

With information, opinion and trivia being thrown at us from every corner of the internet globe in which we live, the ability to filter out the dross from the profound is an increasingly essential one. But many of us within the HR blogging community seem to be making our collective task all the more difficult by serving up a daily diet of McWaffle. 

Come on HR bloggers! We're all entitled to our 15 minutes of fame. But that doesn’t mean you need to foist your introspective musings on the world every day of the week. If you're really writing for yourself, buy a diary and unburden yourself within its pages. Then hide it under the bed. But leave the blogosphere for those who have something significant and challenging to say.


  1. Surely the blog allows the humble to share their thoughts and views with others. No need to write a book or publish a paper. No need to stack up enough thoughts to fill a dissertation.

    Some people find satisfaction in private pursuits; others find a thrill in being watched or from watching. Surely a blog satisfies both the exhibitionist and the voyeur in equal measure.

    The blogoshere is surely bi enough to allow a place for the mundane and the erudite. What you indulge in is up to you.


  2. The proliferation of blogs allows for a glut of mediocre writing and plenty of mutual-admiration societies, i.e., you like mine, and I'll like yours, but lets ignore the others. But we have different interests and needs, and the search engines do most of the heavy lifting for us. And I for one am not going to complain about more people writing, we should all give it a shot. But you are right about the "I" thing, so take heed you bloggers!

  3. You always make me think. As a blogger myself I try to make sure that I put out content that is helpful to others, but I admit that my method involves using stories about my own experience to get there. I believe it's a gentle balance that makes a good writer.

  4. I landed on this page accidentally but am so relieved to read that someone is saying what many of us have been thinking. Too many HR "professionals" who blog continue to perpetuate the perception that HR folks talk a lot and have nothing to say.
